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I was born in Burlington, at Joseph Brant Hospital, and attended Rolling Meadows Public School, and M. M. Robinson High School where I graduated as an Ontario Scholar.


Volunteerism was always a big part of my life. My first opportunity was as a young teenager when I volunteered at Joseph Brant Hospital for two years. I also helped teach swimming lessons at Angela Coughlan Pool during those years.


When I moved away to attend university, I started volunteering at the local crisis hotline. We were trained to respond to a wide variety of calls. The hotline was in operation from 7pm to 7am every day of the year. I learned a lot about empathy and equity during those years, and volunteering for the hotline helped shape who I am today.


During my fourth year of university I was a Big Sister to a young girl who had Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. This was the first time I had ever worked with someone who had special needs. It opened my eyes to the limitations of what the public school system could offer. I am very heartened to know how far we have come from those days. And there is still more to be done.


Shortly after marrying my husband, Kevin, we moved back to Burlington. We have lived in Ward 5 for over 18 years. Our sons attended both Orchard Park and Alexander's Public Schools. I volunteered in their schools, and was a lunchtime supervisor for several years. I was also on their School Councils, serving many roles including Chair.


Before becoming a Trustee I volunteered on the HDSB's Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) for four years. I was elected as Chair by the SEAC members three times. During my time as Chair, I encouraged association members to give presentations so that all members could learn more about each exceptionality, thereby enabling us to make better recommendations to the board.


I also volunteered to be on the HDSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) for several years before becoming a Trustee, and I served as Chair of the very first PIC Conference. This conference has become an annual event providing parents with a wide range of workshops delivered by engaging speakers.


I am very active in my church and volunteered for many years at our summer camp and Christmas Market. I also assist with communion during our Sunday worship services. I have been a member of Parish Council for many years, and am currently one of the churchwardens. Open Doors of St. Christopher's does a lot of community outreach providing fresh food, hot meals, free clothing and much more to families in need.

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